What is art?

It’s interesting to me that we as a society consistently contest what justifies something as art. Everyone sees the world through a different lens, and in my opinion, it’s unjust to personally qualify something as artistic based on personal assumptions. Even if the majority of society discredits a piece of work, all it takes is one person to hold a vision of artistic expression. Everything from the way the rain hits the pavement, to the stroke of a brush on a canvas is art in my eyes. The beauty in minimalism and the detail in exquisite works of art is easy to see if you just look. Public art, despite its criticism, allows for a momentary lapse in the day to stop and find beauty in the life, whether it’s the intrinsic architecture of a statue or something as simple as the way the sun shines against the surface a piece of work.

*photo taken from The New York Times, www.nytimes.com