Wartime Art

Norman Rockwell was a wartime artist that developed the famous piece called “Rosie the Riveter. This piece related to video lecture this week by showing the movement of women into men’s jobs during war. This particular poster was meant to display the strength of women and portray that they are as capable of men are. This is evidence that the women’s movement began much earlier on in history than the present day.

The current women’s movement is the Me Too movement. This movement encourages young women of color to speak out against sexual violence. Again, this shows the strength of women coming together to form a social movement. The social movement form of activism is very effective in spreading awareness. Also, as I described in a previous entry, the Women’s march was an effective activist movement. This movement especially used the work of art by having everyone wear the pink hats. The pink hats form a sea of pink and display the togetherness of all the women.