Teddy Bear Catapult

As thirty-four heads of state met in Quebec City to negotiate the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), thousands were called to protest and police erected physical barricades and fences to block demonstrators. As organizers debated the best way forward, the Deconstructionist Institute for Surreal Topology (DIST) circulated a satirical booklet  of creative protest tactics: “For those who yawn every time they see yet another Black Bloc, the Deconstructionist Institute for Surreal Topology presents this brief list of alternatives, to help spark discussion and inject a bit of creativity and derisive laughter into the mix.” When a sympathetic public figure offered to fund one of the more absurd proposals– the building of a catapult to counteract the “fortress” of the meeting, local artisans agreed. On the day of the protest, members of DIST lobbed teddy bears into the arms of police as others cut down fences and rushed the meeting to protest. CA_Teddy Bear Catapult_Confiscation

source: http://beautifultrouble.org/case/the-teddy-bear-catapult/