Barbie Liberation Organization a project fostered by ®™ark, the BLO is a group of artists and activists involved in culture jamming. The project came to attention in 1993 by switching the voice boxes on talking G.I. Joes and Barbie dolls. The BLO performed “surgery” on hundreds of dolls and then returned them to the shelves of stores, an action they refer to … Continue reading "Barbie Liberation Organization"
RTMark ®™ark /ˈɑrtmɑrk/ is an anti-consumerist activist collective, which subverts the “Corporate Shield” that protects American corporations. The name is derived from the symbols for “Registered Trademark” and “Trademark”. ®™ark is itself a registered corporation which brings together activists who plan projects with donors who fund them. It thus operates outside the laws governing human individuals, … Continue reading "Barbie Liberation Organization"