Radio Alice An Italian free radio station, broadcasting from Bologna in the late 1970s. Rather than attempting to objectify events in the world, they set out to create a flow of sounds, information, messages and poetry, silences and abuse. Like the manifestations of Dada, transmissions were seen as immediate cultural subversions. Radio Alice’s output covered a myriad of subjects: … Continue reading "Radio Alice"
Tetsuo Kogawa After studying philosophy at Sophia(Tokyo) and Waseda universities, Tetsuo Kogawa spent many years in New York City. He taught at Wako University(1972-1989), Musashino Art University’s Department of Video and Cinema (1989-1994) and Tokyo Keizai University’s Department of Communication Studies (1994-2012). Kogawa introduced free radio movement to Japan, and is widely known for his blend of … Continue reading "Radio Alice"