Freetown Christiania On an island in Copenhagen, Denmark (or is it Denmark?), Freetown Christiania is an autonomous zone that has tried to set itself up as its own territory outside of the nation-state. Founded when squatters took over a army barracks in the 70s, Christiania is home to many of Copenhagen’s artists and features murals, experimental architecture, … Continue reading "Freetown Christiania"
NSK Neue Slowenische Kunst (a German phrase meaning “New Slovenian Art”), also known as NSK, is a political art collective that announced itself in Slovenia in 1984, when Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia. NSK’s name, being German, is compatible with a theme in NSK works: the complicated relationship Slovenes have had with Germans. The name of NSK’s … Continue reading "Freetown Christiania"
Nowhereisland an artificially-created island, micronation and an artwork by Alex Hartley and is produced by Bristol-based arts organization Situations. The island was towed from the High Arctic region of Svalbard to the south west coast of England in summer 2012. As it made this epic journey, it travelled through international waters, whereupon it became the world’s newest … Continue reading "Freetown Christiania"