Embodied Knowledges in Mexican Muralism Embodied Knowledges combined a number of pairings: information vs matter, reason vs affect, mind vs body, worker vs labor, and individual vs collective. I found myself thinking about questions that involved these terms reading more about the Mexican Muralist movement, particularly as I learned about some of the motivations behind the commissioning of the murals. … Continue reading "Embodied Knowledges in Mexican Muralism"
Love and Catholicism in Mexico My name is Arianna, I live in Mexico, which is a very catholic country (89.3% of the population were catholic in 2010, according to INEGI). As we know, the catholic church doesn’t approve of homosexuality, so for the first assignment I came up with the idea of bringing a gay couple to church and ask … Continue reading "Embodied Knowledges in Mexican Muralism"