Guided I collected random paint chips at Lowes, and took them to a favorite nature reserve. As I walked I paid attention to the landscape and which colors felt potent in relation to places on the trail. Then I marked those points with the appropriate chips, which added poetic significance by providing a title to the … Continue reading "Guided"
Displacement: Cellphones When I learned that our first prompt was related to displacement, my mind immediately went to cell phones. I am fascinated by society’s attachment and relationship to their phones, from how often we are on them, to our fear of losing or breaking them, to the ways they both help and hurt our lives. Thus, … Continue reading "Guided"
Higher Street, Lisa Santana Hudson The object that I have chosen to displace is the stepladder that usually lives at the top of my stairs and is used to access my loft space. I chose to place it in the middle of the high street at half past eight in the morning, in order to catch people on their way … Continue reading "Guided"
Displacing the Body, Grounding the Mind Meditating is perhaps the most interior practice in which humans engage. My goal in juxtaposing these two images is not only to displace the body within the act of meditation, but moreover to present the search for an identity in an external world of consumer products. It is hard to maintain the equanimity necessary to … Continue reading "Guided"
Remote Control: Vicki Krohn Amorose Art of the MOOC Module 1 Remote Control Displacement: I placed a remote control device on a Pacific Ocean beach during Hurricane Patricia. (Far north of the actual hurricane.) Otter Rock, Oregon USA Vicki Krohn Amorose 1. (social response) I was unable to assess the social response because, as explained in #2, forces out of … Continue reading "Guided"