Mirroring Evil Mirroring Evil: Nazi Imagery / Recent Art was a 2002 exhibit at the Jewish Museum, in New York, curated by Norman L. Kleeblatt. In the exhibit, thirteen artists at least one generation removed from the Holocaust examined the Nazi gaze itself and the way the iconography of the Third Reich has been romanticized and imbedded in … Continue reading "Mirroring Evil"
NSK Neue Slowenische Kunst (a German phrase meaning “New Slovenian Art”), also known as NSK, is a political art collective that announced itself in Slovenia in 1984, when Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia. NSK’s name, being German, is compatible with a theme in NSK works: the complicated relationship Slovenes have had with Germans. The name of NSK’s … Continue reading "Mirroring Evil"
YES MEN The Yes Men are a culture jamming activist duo and network of supporters created by Jacques Servin and Igor Vamos. Through actions of tactical media, the Yes Men primarily aim to raise awareness about what they consider problematic social and political issues. To date, the duo has produced three films: The Yes Men (2003), The Yes … Continue reading "Mirroring Evil"
Barbie Liberation Organization a project fostered by ®™ark, the BLO is a group of artists and activists involved in culture jamming. The project came to attention in 1993 by switching the voice boxes on talking G.I. Joes and Barbie dolls. The BLO performed “surgery” on hundreds of dolls and then returned them to the shelves of stores, an action they refer to … Continue reading "Mirroring Evil"
RTMark ®™ark /ˈɑrtmɑrk/ is an anti-consumerist activist collective, which subverts the “Corporate Shield” that protects American corporations. The name is derived from the symbols for “Registered Trademark” and “Trademark”. ®™ark is itself a registered corporation which brings together activists who plan projects with donors who fund them. It thus operates outside the laws governing human individuals, … Continue reading "Mirroring Evil"
Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Reverend Billy is a performative character created by Bill Talen and the leader of the Church of Stop Shopping, a performance community based in New York City, where he preaches about the evils of consumerism, advertising and sweatshop labor and protests the loss of neighborhood spirit and cultural authenticity in New York City during and after the mayoral … Continue reading "Mirroring Evil"
Billionaires for Bush Billionaires for Bush was a culture jamming political street theater organization that satirically purported to support George W. Bush, drawing attention to policies which were perceived to benefit corporations and the super-wealthy. The group would typically dress as parodies of wealthy “establishment” figures in tuxedos while proclaiming slogans such as “Leave No Billionaire Behind”; “Widen … Continue reading "Mirroring Evil"