Seaman & Supko

Seaman & Supko both talks about how music is linear and how they challenged that notion using different approaches. Seaman came up with a collection of 50 songs that could work in any combination or order. Supko talks about how paper written music is always played in a same way with same instruments. I found this notion of music being linear and how it could be challenged very interesting. Most of the music that I consume have similar structure, 3 to 4 minutes and a linear progression of sound and rhythm. I have never noticed nor try to challenge how linear music is, maybe because I am so accustomed to the format. Now that I think about it, there are no right or wrong in music since it is an expression of emotions and feelings. Especially when Seaman talked about his VR project where he spread out music sources on the virtual space and lets it play without a set order, I was inspired to rethink what music should be.