Public art and pedagogy 2

In this series we come across the question of reform versus evolution of institutions and social structures and art’s role in this. The  most interesting part of this series for me was learning about figures who develop their own systems which directly challenge the systems into which they have been placed.. For example, the intention to bring down capitalist society by through forgery or the Black Panther’s stealing to -fuel their own communities in which black people thrive, contrary to the reality of the rest of the world. Even through TV and taking control of a network. It’s interesting to think about how resistance and anarchist art or disruptive behaviors allow people to strengthen their personal realities and take control of their lives by disturbing the lives of others who are used to the norm. However, what should the goal of such forms of art and behaviors be? What can they really hope to achieve? It seems that this sort of art can only really contribute to partially helping to evolve ingrained systems or behaviours by shocking people out of their apathy and forcing them to rethink at least for a little while. But can it really change or transform anything?