With my project I wanted to show a small, but human face of our building. To show to my neighbors, that “their places” do not start from the entrances of their rented flats, but they involve the whole building with the stairs, post boxes, lift and the whole building is our home.
I decided to “decorate” the lift, being inspired by the work of Sophie Calle, who did similar things in a telephone box. I wanted to build an ephemeral environment, using private objects, to show that the shared spaces in our building are actually “ours” and they belong to and need care from all of us.
So I installed a small table, a carpet, and a stool in the lift. I wanted very much to install a mirror as well, but after discussing with a specialist from the lift company it seemed to be impossible to hang one on the wall. Therefore I took an aquarelle from a young artist I have at home and a hand painted art lamp “to compensate” and to introduce more intimacy in the space. I placed also more private objects on the table: sunglasses and a bracelet.
Radostina A. Angelova, Bulgaria, Project within “Art of the Mooc” course