HB2 Protest Raleigh

On March 24, 2016, hundreds of protestors gathered in Raleigh, North Carolina in front of the Govenor’s Mansion in order to protest HB2, a peice of legislation rolling back protections for the LGBT+ community and making it legal to discriminate against trans* and queer folks around the state.  Notably, the protest used an organizing tactic involving circles of vulnerability, in which protesters who were most made most vulnerable by the legislation and in the organizing space (ie. trans* folks, QTPOC, etc.) took the center of a circle, and so on, with accomplices (especially white, straight, cis-gender folks) further towards the edge of the action.  This form of organizing involves the bodies of all those present to center the voices of those who are most marginalized by HB2 while simultaneously creating a human shield from police and outside agitators. hb2-protesters

source: https://mgtvwncn.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/hb2-protesters.jpg?w=620