From a Dessert to a Public Attraction

In the video lecture, the art of food is expressed. As stated by Pedro Lasch, food can be art in various ways whether it be like Andy Warhol eating a burger or just a still image of an appetizing meal.

New York City recently created a museum for food, but not all food, specially ice cream. The Museum of Ice Cream in New York City was created to promote fantasy and dreamlike place. On their website, they make a statement about the museum:

“The Museum of Ice Cream is the place where ideas are transformed into real life experiences. A place where flavors are mysteries, toppings are toys, and sprinkles make the world a better place. Out mission is to design environments that bring people together and provoke imagination.”

This statement expresses how an everyday object can become a museum and a place of creative interest. I think this statement applies for much more than just ice cream. This can be applied to any everyday object. Any everyday object can become art if you want it to!