
Fluxus is an international network of artists, composers and designers noted for blending different artistic media and disciplines in the 1960s. They varied in performance, Neo-Dada noise music and visual art, urban planning, architecture, design, as well as literature. Fluxus has a strong current of anti-commercial and anti-art sensibility. Fluxus is sometimes described as intermedia.

Fluxus was heavily influenced by the ideas of John Cage, who believed that one should embark on the piece without having a conception of the eventual end. It was the process of creating that was important, not the finished product. Another main influence was Marcel Duchamp, a French artist who had originally been active within Dada whose ‘readymades’ were influential to Fluxus. George Maciunas, the founder, coined the name Fluxus in 1961 as the title of a proposed magazine.