Disney World Utopia

In Lecture 3 – Intentional Communities and Science as a muse, Pedro brings up Celebration, Florida, a town founded by Walt Disney. It is a corporate community located near Walt Disney Resort where residents live surrounded by Disney owned businesses. It was created with a utopian urban setting in mind, yet despite the allure you would expect it to bring, many American’s are hesitant to move. With nearly 8,000 residents it seems to represent more of a suburb than utopian community, but this suburb is full of eccentric floor plans, and extravagant living areas. So, perhaps it’s not the skepticism that turns people away, but the price.

Personally, this idealistic community turns me away solely because of it’s location. Florida weather is terribly humid, and the fact that it is situated smack dab in the middle of Florida on a swamp, without a beach in sight. Also, the idea of a utopian community ran by the leaders of Disney creeps me out. Having Mickey Mouse and other animated characters lining the streets of the town I live would make me believe I was living in a fictional world void of reality. Maybe some people can thrive in such an environment, but I am not one. Personally, I think Celebration, Florida was a terrible idea, and should just remodel into another Resort that allows for a getaway experience, instead of a fully immersed livelihood.