Defining Street Art



As a part of a larger project to define a glossary of terms relating to social practice art forms and movements, the following entry attempts to define street art.

“Street Art refers to a set of artistic practices produced in public, often urban, settings that are intended to be seen by the general population and passersby.  Artworks can be defined as street art when the street as a location is central to the meaning and production of the work, and the works therefore make material or artistic use of the street.  Although undoubtedly ephemeral in its nature, street art is differentiated from art in the street by its interest in some form of durable aesthetic impact, discounting temporary performances or installations.  Street art can be found on a number of surfaces including walls, pavements, roofs, signposts and power boxes.  It encompasses an even broader variety of artistic practices, including but not limited to murals, graffiti, paste ups, stickers, sculptures, stencils, mosaics, yardbombing or poetic assaults.” 

Further expansion of the definition will address issues of:

  1. Origins – (Graffiti & Muralism)
  2. Political/activist characteristics
  3. Urban regeneration
  4. Tourism
  5. The global network
  6. Commercial and institutional involvement
  7.  Legality and commissioning (valorization vs. criminalization)
  8. Ownership: artist vs. prosecutor vs. property owner vs. public