Time to Change : A Case Study In my guest lecture video, Caroline Woolard talks extensively about the movement to social and economic equality coming not from a new revolution, but rather from accepting and connecting the smaller movements already in place. In order to understand this idea better, I figured I’d take a look at a smaller social movement that I … Continue reading "Time to Change : A Case Study"
Reversing Sound In the section 3 Warpwire videos on sound, there is a lot of emphasis on “playing with the rules of sound,” and deviating from what is normal/expected. This idea inspired me to look deeper into something that always spooked me as a child: reversed songs that seemingly had hidden messages. You can go on youtube … Continue reading "Time to Change : A Case Study"
The True Power of The Onion Fake news. That phrase has been used far too often recently. Separate from the complaints of President Trump, satirist, or “fake”, news has become incredibly popular in mainstream media. The Onion, a website that posts daily satire articles on a wide variety of real world news, was one of the first and has become the … Continue reading "Time to Change : A Case Study"
History and Origins of the “Flashmob” In the second video of 2.3, one of Pedro’s prompts involves a flashmob. Flashmobs have gone viral in recent years, yet the history of where they began and what resulted in their eruption onto the social media scene was publicized very little relatively. Flashmobs began right here in the United States in 2003, specifically Manhattan, … Continue reading "Time to Change : A Case Study"
Spaces of Art: A Deeper Look at The Factory In lecture one of 2.2, Pedro mentions Andy Warhol’s factory. He gives it very briefly as a part of a list. The name of the location/place, however, really captivated me, as it sounded mystical almost. Upon deeper research, I found that Andy Warhol’s factory, or “The Factory,” actually refers to three different places between 1962 … Continue reading "Time to Change : A Case Study"
What is Fluxus? In lecture 1 of 1.2, Pedro mentions something called “Fluxus” when discussing artist interest in communications technologies and social media platforms. However, no description is given and it isn’t mentioned again. Fluxus was an art movement that took place in the 1960s and 70s. At the time, human culture was becoming increasingly strict and rigid … Continue reading "Time to Change : A Case Study"
Womanhouse “Waiting” Performance’s Spook The 1970s feminist movement piece of art, called “Womanhouse,” featured dozens of famous female artists of the time. One of the most striking aspects of the exhibition was the performance of “Waiting” by Faith Wilding. The performance is eerie, and conveys the monotonous, repetitive cycle of a woman’s life in which she is constantly waiting … Continue reading "Time to Change : A Case Study"
Economics of the Spiral Jetty The Spiral Jetty is a 1,500 foot long, 15 feet wide piece of land art by American sculptor Robert Smithson. It is so large, in-fact, that it can be seen from space as illustrated in the photograph below. So how exactly does such a gargantuan project, requiring massive machinery to move earth get funded, and … Continue reading "Time to Change : A Case Study"