Sound in Study Spaces The sound ecology in a workplace that can be used to measure and improve productivity is similar to the sound ecology in a study space where in both cases, individuals have certain goals that need to be accomplished. For students in study spaces, goals range from reading an article, deriving a formula, preparing for an … Continue reading "Sound in Study Spaces"
Democratic Distribution of Study Space Study spaces on campus are public spaces shared by the student population. In the MOOC, Penalosa discusses recent changes he implemented as mayor in his city to change the atmosphere of its public spaces. He points out that we need to walk and see or be with people in order to be happy. Many of … Continue reading "Sound in Study Spaces"
A Call for Change The MOOC discussed the organization revolving around movements and the various responses to different social problems that includes humor, mourning and pain, and dancing and partying. While the Duke walkup line is not necessarily a movement in response to a societal issue, it has similarities to a social movement in that it organizes people together … Continue reading "Sound in Study Spaces"
Vadar and Duke Students The MOOC explores explores the relationship between Humans and non-humans, the living and the dead, which similarly relate to the idea of either being a different human or hiding the type of human that you are. That is the purpose of a mask: to hide the characteristics that provide your unique embodied knowledge and possibly … Continue reading "Sound in Study Spaces"
Art Creating Community From these MOOCs, I am intrigued by the idea of art spaces that integrate art into life: Living as Art. The MOOC discussed several different art spaces ranging from factories to homes to studios, but all centered around the concept of collaboration. I personally have experienced blurring the lines of art and life in a … Continue reading "Sound in Study Spaces"
$$$$ out of thin air Paul Glover felt dissatisfied with the way our current monetary system failed at providing fair trade and allowed for exploitation of people and resources. Therefore in 1991, he created his own currency to be used in Ithaca, New York in order to aid the local economy. The currency, called the Ithaca HOUR is not back … Continue reading "Sound in Study Spaces"
Learning through experience One of the best ways of learning is through experience. Only so much can be communicated through words and then there is the issue of interpretation. Pictures and videos, as in the flipped classroom setting, have enhanced our ability to gain a deeper understanding of a topic when an educational experience is not available. If … Continue reading "Sound in Study Spaces"
Art NOT for your VIEWING pleasure only! As explored in the module videos, there exists a form of art that is not simply created to observe, but to interact with. In 2010, Paul Ramírez Jonas created an city-wide interactive art piece called Key to the City as a historical reference to a key to the city presented to dignitaries as a symbol … Continue reading "Sound in Study Spaces"