The Big Bang, silently One point made in the lectures that stuck with me the most is that the Big Bang actually made no sound at all. Growing up, I had always been under the impression that the Big Bang caused an amazing sound. I always envisioned this little ball exploding and expanding at an extremely loud, beautiful moment. … Continue reading "The Big Bang, silently"
Walk-up line In Finkelpearl’s MOOC he talks about how some Artists think that with their art they are solving problems and ultimately trying to save the world. I agree with him in that artists always try to convey a message either to push for change or just to raise awareness for a certain issue. I think that … Continue reading "The Big Bang, silently"
Art and its role in activism Activist movements can take place over long periods of time or they can be quick and short lived. They can cover a variety of topics or they can be very specific. They can rally together many groups of people or they can be just one against the world. One thing that remains true throughout all … Continue reading "The Big Bang, silently"
Presence is Art As has become evident through Professor Lasch’s Art of the MOOCs, there is art in almost everything and everyone around us. Throughout the weeks we have seen that there can be art in fireworks, art in architecture, art in how we dress; but this week’s new video leads us to believe that there can even … Continue reading "The Big Bang, silently"
Art in how we…dress? The definition of art is quite literally “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture”, but it has definitely become more than that. I used to believe that being an artist meant that you had to be good at drawing or painting, but … Continue reading "The Big Bang, silently"
Can currency be an art form? Currency not only differs in value place to place, but it also differs in size, color, and shape. The United States Dollar is a well known currency worldwide, not only for its nearly universal value but also for its green color and composition. I used to be under the impression that only art was art, … Continue reading "The Big Bang, silently"
Education of art Throughout my schooling I was always taught to convey my message through long papers or oral presentations to an audience. Drilled into school children’s minds is that the only way to get across an idea or perspective is through writing, and while this is very effective, artistic ability and expression is under utilized. Growing up … Continue reading "The Big Bang, silently"
Explosives…art? It is important to keep in mind that there is no strict definition of art or what it can feasibly look like. Artists over the past many centuries have tried to find new ways to separate themselves from the pack and think of new methods of expression. Cai Guo-Qiang is a specific artist who uses fireworks … Continue reading "The Big Bang, silently"