Sound Waves As an electrical engineering student, we are taught a lot about how waves move through different mediums. Waves are an amazing because humans can hear these waves as sound when they are between the frequencies of 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. These waves are influenced by everything around us, such as the room that we … Continue reading "Sound Waves"
Asking the Right Question In the Art of the MOOC, the guest presenter Chido Govera talks about how she turns waist into valuable mushrooms in Africa. When she was introduced to how to grow mushrooms she said that she asked herself the question: “hey, what more could come out of this?” This made me realize how important that question is … Continue reading "Sound Waves"
Undercover Art Many expressions of art today and throughout history is not acceptable by society or is necessarily legal. In the Art of the MOOC video lectures 2.1, the Gorilla Girls were mentioned. This reminded me of expressions of art that are anonymous. I would put public graffiti in this same category. Graffiti is not legal in … Continue reading "Sound Waves"
Design In the Art of the MOOC video lecture 2.3, the idea of being present for the display of ones own art is mentioned. This reminds me of the design process in engineering. When a concept is designed by an individual, they must propose his idea to their colleagues or the world. This concept can be hard … Continue reading "Sound Waves"
Turning Work into Art In The Art of the MOOC Video Lecture 2.2 – Activism & Social Movements: Aesthetics, Art History, and Cultural Institutions, the video ended with the question of which social practices still elude art making? I will argue that even the social action that nearly everyone does every day – their job – can be treated as … Continue reading "Sound Waves"
Exchange of Goods In the Art of the MOOC lecture 1.2 the Ithaca Dollar is mentioned regarding an alternate way to think about the money that is exchanged. This Ithaca Dollar or Ithaca Hour was earned by one our of labor and was introduced in 1991. This idea was not knew in 1991, but did revolutionize the value … Continue reading "Sound Waves"
Land Art The concept of land art described in Lecture 1.1 – Public Art & Pedagogy: Public Art & Spatial Politics, is where artist use the land around them to create beautiful pieces of art. After hearing about this type of art, I thought about a large lake near my home town. This lake was man-made nearly 100 … Continue reading "Sound Waves"
Open Source Software The idea of a radical opening, as described in the Lecture 1.3 – Public Art & Pedagogy: Experimental Pedagogy, is the idea of taking something that was previous closed to the public and allowing access to this think to everyone. This idea in art reminds me of the very popular idea in computer science that … Continue reading "Sound Waves"