Narratives “You have to think over history, whose voices do you hear, Whose voices have been silenced and why”. (Candice Hopkins, Silenced Voices, Improvisation & Instruments) Growing up, I was told that history is malleable, that it was all a matter of narratives. “It all depends on who tells the story” Mom would say, … Continue reading "Narratives"
Museums–My two cents Jolene Rickard’s work is so far among the most fascinating that I have come across. Interestingly, it also revolves around the idea of museums conserving histories of ancient communities, documenting their stories with the very impressive collections of artifacts collected. The museum contained various interesting pieces but none caught my attention more than the … Continue reading "Narratives"
On Culture Jamming The Yes Men’s act of creating their own WTO website is one of serious debate. On one side, The YES Men are justified. In a way, their “WTO” website revealed the deep dysfunction of the WTO and highlighted key problems that were being ignored. By creating their WTO website, the YES MEN treated the … Continue reading "Narratives"
It’s how it works, right? Fred Wilson’s art brings back old memories. Growing hearing sentences like, “You can’t go to church looking like that!” or even the drier, “Dress properly! Our family did not raise a beggar”, this work rings true. Wilson’s work undeniably shows the crippling attachment that our society has towards projected image. Wealth, wisdom, good character … Continue reading "Narratives"
Repossessing names “Only Cannibalism unites us. Socially. Economically. Philosophically. The unique law of the world. The masked expression of all individualism and collective movement.” Oswald de Andrade There is a Rwandan proverb that says, “Izina niryo muntu”. This literally translates to a name defines a person. It is commonly used to mock people with ridiculous names … Continue reading "Narratives"
Ha-ha….haaaa! “Now these transcripts, I believe, should not have been leaked,” Colbert said, dutifully. “Bad leaker. Whoever you are, you shouldn’t have done it. But you did, so let’s just keep going.” So he did, starting with Trump telling Peña Nieto that he really doesn’t care about the border wall, up to where “Trump, for … Continue reading "Narratives"
Overidentification: The concerning aspect of the matter ––Summer 2017–– It is hot in the Nyamata youth center room that our team has been assigned. The mission of the trip is to visit genocide memorial sites, listen to testimonies of genocide survivors and donate supplies to the community. We sit in the room waiting for the event to begin. Two speakers step … Continue reading "Narratives"
Art doesn’t have to be pretty Watching the videos in the public art&pedagogy section, It was clear that there exists no consensus on what art is and surely none for what it is not. While this idea might be disconcerting for those with orderly minds, it is a relief to many–including me. The fluidity of art allows room for fascinating, creative, … Continue reading "Narratives"