Art in how we…dress?

The definition of art is quite literally “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture”, but it has definitely become more than that. I used to believe that being an artist meant that you had to be good at drawing or painting, but that isn’t necessarily true. You look around and everything you see can be considered art. There is art in the way people dress, art in the way people talk, even art in how they walk. Art is how one expresses oneself and the clothes they choose to put on in the morning and how they communicate with others are a form of that, there is no purer way to express a message. When I wake up and get dressed in the morning I not only check the weather, but I also think about what kind of person and image I want to portray that day. The color and the design on my clothing say a lot about who I am and what I stand for, and while my fashion sense is probably not up to anyone’s standards, I dress how I like. Personal expression and the freedom of choice is something that I love about my country, and something I hope everyone else who is here can appreciate. I want people to be aware that the next time they wake up and get dressed they are not only trying to be presentable but also expressing themselves in a form of art.