Accessibility to Art

Another class that I am taking this semester includes an arts based service learning project that is great evidence of a local organization who facilitates social engagement in art.  Arts Access is a non profit based in Raleigh that works to make art in the Triangle Area more accessible to children and adults with disabilities.  A primary part of Arts Access’s work is an audio description program, which offers descriptions of art works and performances so that community members who are blind might also enjoy these works.  Works covered include dance and theatre performances, public sculptures or works found in museum collections. 

Arts Access brings an important question to light: when considering socially engaged art, we often ask “who are we trying to engage with?”  rather than, “who are we failing to engage with that we could also reach?”  

Programs like Arts Access allow artists to make their work more accessible as well as making sure that those with disabilities do not miss out on the experience of engaging with art. 

To learn more about Arts Access:

The class that is working with Arts Access: THEATRST310/ECON247: Non Profit Cultural Organizations, taught by Dan Ellison