A Camouflaged Attack

Culture Jamming and Camouflage is often used to attack institutions. Such is the case when the Yes Men took made a false World Trade Organization website with the revised mission to alleviate world hunger. The Yes Men have transformed the term identity theft into “identity correction” as they impersonate people and institutions to point out their wrongdoings and attract media coverage. Another project the Yes Men took on was the Chamber of Commerce to reveal their efforts to oppose climate change bills as well as health care reform, and employee free choice. The Yes Men impersonated the Chamber of Commerce and staged a press conference to announce that it was reversing its position on policy change, shocking the public. This event sparked new stories across the country and informed the people of the Chamber’s corrupt agenda. A similar situation occurred when Donald Trump bought the rights to Jeb Bush’s domain name. Jeb’s website was since redirected to Trump’s. Although humorous, this was just another hit for Jeb’s struggling campaign.