History and Origins of the “Flashmob”

In the second video of 2.3, one of Pedro’s prompts involves a flashmob. Flashmobs have gone viral in recent years, yet the history of where they began and what resulted in their eruption onto the social media scene was publicized very little relatively. Flashmobs began right here in the United States in 2003, specifically Manhattan, New York. It was then added to the dictionary in 2004 as an “unusual or pointless act” that seperates it from other forms of mobs, protests, and social gatherings. It has since been used for things such as wedding proposals, sending loved ones on amazing journeys, as well as simply for entertainment involving singing, dancing, and large groups of people. Sadly, however, flash mobs have also been used occasionally to commit crimes, sometimes referred to as “flash robs.” Regardless, search the term “flashmob” on youtube and you’re for sure to be in for some entertainment.

