Censorship and a World without Humans

This weeks MOOC videos brought up two very relevant and significant points. The idea of social life being used in art and the importance for raw, realistic ways of expressing life.  The second was attitudes of different time periods and artwork created of this time period to be odd, but relevant during its time period. To refer back to my first point, I have learned it is important that through the rituals, dancing, singing that one may perform as an art, does not always have to be positive. In order to accurately reflect the customs and lifestyle we live socially, tension, stress, and chaos must also be shown. Much of the artwork shown in the video involved artists space shown as homes left in their original or domestic state. This raw expression made me realize how much of the media being distributed today is so far from raw. Art and writings in newspaper in some ways sensor a lot of the issues going on in the world to create this idea of perfection. The details of deaths and suicides are limited and kept short to avoid negativity. Conflicts in the government are often swept under the rug, to avoid having other countries observing our flaws.  A newspaper can be considered art itself as it reflects these social, political, and cultural images of society.
As one reads or book or visits a museum, images fly into their head revealing time periods and emotions of those eras. Much of what we see in museums, (the clothes on men and women in ancient paintings etc.) is very difficult to picture in our modern view. The masses of art being created around Anthropophagy, or cannabalism was out of the ordinary. But different time periods focus on wild and sometime inhumane events going on, but just because they are not active today does not remove them of importance. If the world was empty of humans, and one person arrived to see what the identity of the earth truly was, it could be found through art. Museums, books, paintings, statues, sculptures and monuments would reveal are values, traditions and history. This person could see transitions and the modernization of our society and the fusion of cultures. Art is extremely important towards leaving a mark and a wholesome representation of the life we live today.  Art is a way to share the characteristics of our society through social norms and customs.
New York Times shares event of man on the moon. Can it be considered art?