Art Expressivity and Censorship

The videos this week strongly correlate with the videos of 1.3. Much of the art being shown through these MOOC episodes involve reforming or abolishing a certain norm. Whether it is an institution or an organization that is need of being changed, many times art is a way to provoke this change. In the Markets and Economies portion, we learned how Paul Glover developed an alternative currency through “Ithaca money” that transformed the economy within days. However, this was not for his personal gain but for circulation and in order to feed back into society. I think this idea of circulation can connect with many different art pieces as artists learn from each other and as years go by different pieces, styles, and techniques are circulated through different genres of art. The Communications technologies and issues with radio and tv expressing certain artists work also reminded me of something I learned first semester. Art having to be mailed, radio stations being pirated and quietly distributed reminded me of Bone Music in Russia. During the 1960’s many rock and R&B artists’ music was censored by there Soviet Union. Vinyls were scratched and destroyed and there was very specific music people were forced to listen to. However an underground form of releasing this music erupted. X-rays of broken bones carried the same consistency and material as vinyls and people could share the beautiful music of Elvis and Chubbie Checkers all over Russia. A broken arm could represent the “Twist”, and soon enough the music became popular all over Russia. I strongly agree that those who succeed in the tv, radio, movie, music industry must have wealth and power which excludes many different artists of this time. At the end of one of the videos the idea that creations or events that are not connected to any artist or follow any of the descriptions of common art can still be associated with art. This allows for churches and public spaces to engage many different people and fulfill the purpose art intentionally has. Improvements in technology similar to the touch sensor I am working on can be considered art as it works to reform and transform technology.

Bone Music from 1960-X Ray Vinyl of Skull