Art as a reminder

Berlin- the city in which I grew up is rife with reminders of the Nazi and GDR eras.  From the remains of the Berlin wall, the memorial to the murdered Jews and the Reichstag- the city itself serves as a reminder of the past.

Artists turned what was seen as the ultimate symbol of oppression, the Berlin wall or “die Mauer” into a piece of artwork stretching throughout the city.  It is a manifestation of the new Germany, one filled with culture and appreciation of its dark history.

 The Reichstag- the symbol of the German government is perhaps the most bold manifestation of a new era for Germany.  After being completely destroyed during the War, the Reichstag became a symbol of the new Germany we have come to love in the past 2 decades.  The government’s willingness to promote Berlin as an artistic and cultural centre was demonstrated by its allowance of the artist Christo to completely wrap the Reichstag.  It was a bold move that screamed “we are back”, “we have changed” and “we are open to anything”.

Through the utilisation on art, the government was able to send a message to the rest of the world at the turn of the century that Germany as a country should not be held back due to its history, but appreciated for its efforts to undo those wrongs and accept all members of society through learning to appreciate all forms of art and culture.  Germany used art to strategically remind those of its history but also demonstrate its intentions in the future.