Education of art

Throughout my schooling I was always taught to convey my message through long papers or oral presentations to an audience. Drilled into school children’s minds is that the only way to get across an idea or perspective is through writing, and while this is very effective, artistic ability and expression is under utilized. Growing up I was never taught or really given the chance to better my ability to not only draw and paint, and do the things that we constitute as art directly, but also was never helped in putting a message onto paper without words. A skill that many people lack to this day is the basic ability to speak their mind through the use of color, shape, and basically any kind of form of art imaginable. A section of the MOOC talks about education of the arts and I, a fairly proficient maths and sciences student, believe that it is a skill that needs to be more effectively used and harnessed by developing students all over the world. It is something that my generation missed out on, I hope that the next one doesn’t suffer from the same fate. The definition of art is ever evolving and expanding, but one thing remains true, it is a truly undersold and undervalued aspect of society and thought.