MoRE. Museum of refused and unrealised art projects

MoRE is a digital museum that collects, preserves and exhibits on-line refused and unrealised art projects of the XX and XXI century.
Originated from an idea of Elisabetta Modena and Marco Scotti, the museum collects and exhibits projects that have been conceived on purpose for specific occasions, in determined contexts, even though not necessarily commissioned, and that have not been realized due to technical, logistic, ideological, economical, moral or ethical reasons, or simply because utopian. The aim of the museum is to give value, preserve and study those materials through research projects and exhibitions, capitalizing all the potential of the web. A scientific committee selects the artists according to quality criteria such as having participated in group or solo exhibitions and produced significant bodies of work. The museum accepts donations of one or more unrealised artworks of every author on digital format; since its foundation in April 2012, it has collected unrealised projects by italian and international artists like Valerio Berruti, Jeremy Deller, Regina José Galindo, Jonathan Monk, Cesare Pietroiusti, Sissi, just to mention a few.

Twitter: @MoREmuseum