LGBT Activists Vandalize Historical Monument

“Who led the gay rights movement in its early days? White gay men, or black and brown transgender women?

It’s a complex answer, but one thing is clear: trans people of color are noticeably missing from the upcoming Hollywood film Stonewalldirected by Roland Emmerich (GodzillaIndependence Day). In petitions, calls for boycotts, and on social media, the LGBT community has opposed the way the film centers a turning point in LGBT history around a fictional white character while failing to include the real-life people of color that are believed to have sparked the Stonewall riots.

In a response this weekend, two anonymous New York activists took the whitewashing of LGBT history into their own hands by vandalizing a famous sculpture that is permanently housed in a tiny park facing the Stonewall Inn.

The sculpture, titled “Gay Liberation,” was commissioned in 1979 for the famous Pop Art sculptor George Segal. When the work was created, it was considered so controversial and “explicit” (due to its portrayal of two women and two men just barely touching each other) that it wasn’t placed in the public park until 13 years later. At its 1992 unveiling, the city deemed the sculpture a historical monument.”

-The Daily Dot


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