Cooking up Artwork

There are a myriad of mediums that can be used in the creation of art, many of which don’t lend themselves to permanency. Food is a perfect example of temporary artwork. The range of foodstuffs that can be used as the canvass or as the medium itself allow artists to experiment with a variety of natural colors and textures. For example, I have recently come across portraits created from salt. The granular quality of salt produces a contrast effect and has a very realistic look. In addition, I have also seen coffee be used in a similar manner to watercolors. Coffee-paint is made by simply mixing coffee grounds with water to achieve a full monochromatic brown scale. Another, interesting technique is pancake art, which requires precise timing. Artists drop pancake mix (usually from a squeeze bottle) onto the skillet in layers in order to obtain different levels of browning. Examples of all of these unique artworks are shown below. They provide evidence of how social practices such as cooking don’t necessarily elude art.


