Corporate Art

Viewing a corporation as an alternative structure is quite valid as 50 of the leading corporations are larger than the majority of national economies in developing nations. Aside from GDP, corporations typically develop a culture and sense of community for its employees. Large companies like Google, Nike, and Facebook have developed virtual towns around their offices complete with amenities such as bike sharing, sleeping pods, and convenience stores. They are carefully designed to enhance productivity and creativity. These corporate examples promote employee satisfaction and dedication. In contrast, people like Yesmen Igor Vamos and Jacques Servin protest corporate wrongdoings. I found the example of the DOW chemical plant in India a very creative way of addressing this large corporation’s responsibility. Thousands of people in India died from a plant spill and these two artists assumed accountability on behalf of the company and promised remuneration. I imagine that this caused a large scandal within DOW. I’m curious to know if legal action was taken for fraud.