Matthieu Laurette

French artist Matthieu Laurette’s social interventions occur through engaging with notions of the spectacle. In his works (particularly the ongoing Apparitions), Laurette creates a public persona that is presented on various broadcasted shows ranging from newscasts to game shows. Most evident in his interventions are the inspirations to Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle.

In a 2001 interview, Laurette comments, “I’m trying to find the best ‘spots’ to develop activities that often interact with different audiences. Using tools that surround us and include their own systems of production and their own audiences, I’m trying to ‘hack’ or ‘hijack’ contexts, media, audiences, budgets, etc. that produce disjunctions. Disjunctions often generate their own tools, which one can in turn appropriate and use.” Through his work, Laurette blurs art, entertainment and life.

Featured image by régime debate, source: