Otolith Group

The Otolith Group (Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun) are a London-based collaborative working in film, sound, visual, and archival media. They produce research projects, texts, installations, and films, focussing on a wide range of topics from the fraught geology of California, to the adaptive slum architectures of Bombay, India; frequently engaging with broader themes: the injustices and violence of global capitalism, post-coloniality, iconography and media, the utopian projects of Modernism, theories of the Anthropocene, and the interconnection of the forces of contemporary global capital and climatological crises.

Otolith utilizes traditional methods of scientific and humanistic research in their documentary-like filmic production. In their words, they have focused primarily on “the essay film as a form that seeks to look at conditions, events and histories in their most expanded form.” Alongside many of their films, the Otolith Group also produces research archives of information and materials collected through their projects. They turn this archival material into full-scale thematic installations including interior design, film projection, sound, and archival reading rooms.

Otolith have been featured at Documenta and were nominated for the 2010 Turner Prize.

Otolith Group Website

Otolith Group 2013 Lecture Presentation