As Professor Lasch mentioned in the video lectures, Theresa Margolles often times uses aspects related to death in her work. In the video, for example, “Vaporisation” is discussed. In this work, the fog she uses was really produced in order to clean up dead bodies. The death component in this piece was the fog.

Another work done by the same artist is titled “Secretion on the Wall.” The title itself gives an eerie and vulgar connotation. In this work, she places animal fat on a museum  in Berlin called the Kunstwerke. As stated by Franklin Melendez, “she summons the dead through visible markings that prompt us to contend with the all too real persistence of the absent and disremembered.” Ultimately, Theresa Margolles was part of a group called SEMEFO which were a bunch of artists that used forensic materials to create their artwork. Her pieces brought out her opinion of the relationship between life and death.