Please note: to use these files locally on your own computer, you will need to load them from an address starting in "http://" rather than "localhost". The .csv file will not load in a browser without the proper address.
You can do this by starting a local server on your computer. We'll cover this process, and install node.js in class on March 25. Feel free to get started with node.js in the meantime if you already have it on your machine, or you are familiar with the command line. You can also start a local python server without having to install anything, by following the instructions at the link above.
If you're already familiar with using local server instances in Stack applications like MAMP, WAMP or XAMP, your htdocs folder in any of these should work for hosting this file, and loading the .csv into the sketches, as well.

a JavaScript object

If you're looking for interesting DataSets in JS to incorporate into your project I recommend: DariusK's Corpora. These are sets of data in JSON format that people have manually coded and uploaded. They include things like datasets of clothing, plants, nouns, materials. I've also added some links on the Final Project Description Page on APIs and Datasets.

Example from Last week - working with the same data converted from CSV to JSON format. Mapping temperature values over time, with the height and width of the graph scaled to the "size" of the data (the number of readings and the range of temperatures.