Assignment 3: Arrays, Functions, Objects

To complete this assignment, open up this document in a text editor and complete the questions in each ".problem" div

Anything you log to the console with console.log() will display in the JavaScript Console in your browser when you load this page. The JavaScript Console is located in the Developer Console. Right click on this page and choose "inspect". In the toolbar that pops up at the right or bottom of your browser, choose the tab for "Console." You will see anything logged to the console here.

Feel free to use resources like the w3 Schools JavaScript reference.

1. Put your code between the script tags below. Create an array with six values.


another value

2. Add your code below.

3. Complete the code between the script tags below.


Complete the code below to display:

  • A. The "title" of this html document in the first button.
  • B. The URL of this html document in the second button.

Hint: use the .title and .URL properties of the document object.